IASST Research Associate Recruitment [number of post: 02(two)] Guwahati


(IASST) Applications are invited for the recruitment of Research Associate (RA) on contractual basis with consolidated pay under DBT sponsored project entitled “Integrating herbal medicine of NER with contemporary approaches to develop therapeutic strategies for metabolic syndrome” at the Institute of Advanced Study in Science and Technology (IASST), Guwahati.

Last date : 16/05/2019

Name of the Post: Research Associate

Total number of post: 02(two)

Qualifications: Ph.D. in Chemistry/Biotechnology/Medicinal Chemistry/Natural Product Chemistry (or) M. Pharm (or) M.Sc. pursuing Ph.D. in the specified subject with minimum three years research experience.

Pay: Rs 36,000.00 + 20% HRA.

Age limit: Not more than 40 years on closing date. Age relaxation will be as per Govt. of India norms for reserved categories and woman.

How to apply: Interested eligible candidates may apply through online only within twenty days of publication of the advertisement. Only short listed candidates will be called for the interview. The candidate should bring duly filled application form as per the prescribed format along with original mark sheets, certificates and other related documents at the time of interview. No TA/DA will be provided to the candidate for appearing the interview.

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